You know those days where in the middle you wish you could just quickly go back to bed and start over? Ya, it was one of those days.
I'm so glad my children are still so young and forgiving! I'm glad my husband and I are open enough to just accept when it was a bad day and recognize when to just let it go and move on. And I'm glad I have great friends that I can talk to! Friends that don't think less of me, nor see my shortcomings as a definition of my character. Who understand that I really am just having one of those 'trying to balance life' kind of days. And who listen with love and offer such great words of advice and understanding.
I'm trying so hard to be positive these days, despite my best efforts I feel like I have an internal meltdown just about every week. I want so badly to just have it together, to be so calm and collected, to be the 'adult' in my relationship with my children. Let's face it. As much as I want that to be normal, so many days I'm fighting so hard just get a glimpse of it! But when I do get one of those days... The days where kids are well fed and well slept, who play together and make me laugh, when the house is clean and meals are cooked and I even get that one quiet moment to read or take a quick nap... I appreciate it that much more. I'm ok with the fact that I strive for that to be my 'normal.' And I'm ok with how much effort it seems to take! Because, despite how I see it right now, days like today happen few and far in between. But days like that, the good ones, happen much more often than I realize. Like tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a day like that. It will be.
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