So, if we are Facebook friends, you already know that I am stuck on bed rest. I had started a post over a week ago, before all of this started:
I am down to the end! These are the most painful 6 weeks of the entire pregnancy. But they all lead to one amazing thing... my baby! I cannot wait to meet this little one!
I have been reflecting a LOT on what kind of mother I want to be these days. I am anticipating quite a shift in energy levels once this baby comes. But I am determined to do better at keeping it together. And I will make it OK, this time, to have some hard days. I am getting a bit nervous. The last two pregnancies I have had a hard time with Post Partum Depression, but I think it is because of all the unnecessary pressure I put on myself to jump right back into 'normal.' I know I will want that again this time, but I have slowly been shifting my 'normal' to be more of a constant state of flux (that's for those trekkies :).
As long as my main priorities as a wife and mother are met, I know we will be just fine through this transition.
I am constantly being reminded of what matters most. I am so grateful to have this opportunity to be down the street from my best friend. Best friends really do make a huge difference in a woman's life, especially mine. Especially when you are going through the same stage of life at the same time.

My pregnancies are highly uneventful, aside from the excessive amounts of back pain due to some chronic lower back issues. But even still, that isn't entirely uncommon. So for my body to start going into labor early, threw me off! I mean I know the month leading up to this was FAR more busy than it probably should have been, but I really did my best not to over do it. So either I failed, or Lacy is proving to be a little pistol and wants to come at the world full force!
Whatever the reason for this experience, I am drawn to recognize the blessings in all of it. I keep thinking back to when I was pregnant with Norah (my 2nd), and I started really diving into the world of pregnancy, labor, and delivery. I wanted a clear understanding of what 'normal' really was according to a woman's body, not popular opinion or belief. On this road I have come to some amazing conclusions that despite the joy of a pain free delivery, or one that is pushed along with synthetic hormones, my body is already equipped with everything it needs to bring this child into this world. Heaven forbid I spend more than 24 hours in labor (as it stands now, I have already spent a week in labor... even if it hasn't hit that real 'active' labor as the medical industry likes to call it, since I am still under 6 cm). The knowledge I have gained to this point has provided me with so much peace... and trust me I have been plenty afraid and panicked this past week... I know this little one isn't ready yet! I keep thinking about how if I was any other woman, I would have taken that fear I felt and checked into the hospital when I first started going into labor. They would have probably sent me home, but with absolutely no tools, other than taking it easy, to slow my labor down. Actually, I don't even know that they would have even recommended I slow down or take it easy at this point anyway. In TX, they won't stop labor after 32 weeks. Seeing as I am 35, they would have just let the baby come. Anyway, the point is, that I know the risks, I know that now is not the time, and despite the fact that Dr's and hospitals can handle a preemie, I don't want a preemie. I feel so blessed to have been drawn to all of the information that has helped me maintain a mindset to keep this baby IN to the best of my abilities. And if she still decides to come, fine. But at least I will KNOW, that I am doing everything in MY power to make sure she is the healthiest baby possible!
It is amazing how The Lord will expose us to the information we need for a trial or obstacle, before we will need it. As long as we do what is right, and remain faithful, He will direct our path! What a testimony builder for me that my Heavenly Father really does watch over and protect me and my children! I feel confident that everything will work out, and that this baby will be a wonderful addition to our family! I will be so excited when she comes, and I know that sitting here in absolute boredom will feel like a second compared to all the joy we will share when she is a part of our family!
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