Saturday, May 4, 2013

Improve the Shining Moments

Sometimes a hymn says it all!

Improve the Shining Moments

1. Improve the shining moments;
Don't let them pass you by.
Work while the sun is radiant;
Work, for the night draws nigh.
We cannot bid the sunbeams
To lengthen out their stay,
Nor can we ask the shadow
To ever stay away.

2. Time flies on wings of lightning;
We cannot call it back.
It comes, then passes forward
Along its onward track.
And if we are not mindful,
The chance will fade away,
For life is quick in passing.
'Tis as a single day.

3. As wintertime doth follow
The pleasant summer days,
So may our joys all vanish
And pass far from our gaze.
Then should we not endeavor
Each day some point to gain,
That we may here be useful
And ev'ry wrong disdain?

4. Improve each shining moment.
In this you are secure,
For promptness bringeth safety
And blessings rich and pure.
Let prudence guide your actions;
Be honest in your heart;
And God will love and bless you
And help to you impart.

Text and music: Robert B. Baird, 1855-1916

As I read these verses, I couldn't help but realize that this is exactly what I have been trying to teach myself lately.

The first verse reminds me to take advantage of the good times, and to work hard and be productive. Trial will surely come, there's no avoiding it.

The second verse, time flies! It will come whether we are prepared for it or not. And there is no going back.

The third verse, well, I'm not a poet, so I may be wrong, but I read it as a way to treat life when it seems like you are just hopelessly in the middle of great trial. When the good times seems so far away that it is hard to be positive. Instead of wallowing, make an effort each day to serve and be useful, and put your wrongs beneath you.... Or just let it all go, in other words. This life is not supposed to be fair, and nobody is perfect... No matter what injustices you have endured, let it go.

And lastly, the fourth verse, great blessings come as we are proactive in improving the shining moments. As we strive to be quick to serve and do the Lord's will, we will protected from the adversary. I read it as more of a challenge.... Like, don't think your way out of selfless service, be quick and prompt to obey and serve. Don't think about how much is going on in your life when the opportunity to serve presents itself, be prompt, and in turn, help will come to you as well. Such is the philosophy, two people can accomplish much more than twice as much as one person can on their own. And, not to mention, all the rich and pure blessings that will come through this kind of service.

I so needed this reminder!

Here are three reasons why:

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