I finally had an opportunity to attend the San Antonio LDS Temple since being back home. It seems that this is the longest I had been without attending since I first received my recommend. It was truly a testimony builder for me. Not only have I been trying to go for quite some time, but when I finally hit the road to actually go, one of the biggest accidents EVER had to take place in my path. Making me miss the session I was to attend, and I still haven't found out all of the details to see if everyone was ok in the accident.... I had left the house with AMPLE time for an accident, but, apparently, not one of this nature. It took me an hour to go less than 8 miles.... an hour. And the temple is 16 miles from our house.
After a while of being in this traffic I finally call Spencer to see what is going on and where the traffic stops. Come to find out they are completely directing traffic off the highway because of the accident... There is no way around it at this point. I am stuck. So, naturally, being as pregnant as I am, I begin to cry. I felt so defeated. I needed to be in that particular session because Spencer and I had a phone conference that evening. But there was absolutely no way I was going to make it in time for the temple session. I had prepared as much as possible. The stress level was high when I left because of the upcoming phone meeting and a few other big things happening all at once... cuz that's how we roll, we are overly ambitious I guess... Anyway, I was just very overwhelmed with the desire to be at the temple and feeling like it was once again being stripped from my grasp. Spencer sympathized a great deal and we decided that it would be best if I skipped the meeting to go to the later session. Everything seemed to be coming together... I was even able to make it in time to grab a nice quiet bite to eat before the session... It turned out better than I had expected. I truly enjoyed that time to myself, I was able to relax and take the night to myself. It went from RUSHED to RELAXED in a matter of minutes. And even though it seemed things fell apart since I was home much later, it all ended up working itself out.
Being able to sit in the temple was amazing. I was able to pass by the room we were married in 5 years ago, and it flooded my emotions. I was able to visit the room we waited in for an hour while our guests arrived. And the wife of the man who sealed us for time and all eternity was working/volunteering at the temple during my particular session. I was reminded of that awesome day that changed my life forever. I loved every minute of it. I love Spencer, and I love that I get to spend forever with him. We are best friends, and we make really really cute kids.
Norah and Declan are putting their feet where the rain is falling off the porch.
Norah is pretty proud of the fact that she is SOAKED!
Here is Alice soaking in the storm. She was nervous about the first storm she experience a couple weeks ago, but once we explained that lightening is nothing to be afraid of, she has grown to enjoy the storms as much as I have!
Enjoying the storm on their camp chairs!
Trying to get their feet wet.
We had been having promptings for a little while before we decided to let nature take its course. I remember just pleading with the Lord for the strength I needed to bring this baby into the world. I needed to feel at peace and to be in a place I was comfortable. And I was trying so hard to let Utah be that place... I was trying so hard to be OK with it. I felt almost like a failure when I admitted that I just needed to come home to embrace this task the Lord had placed before me... to be a YOUNG mother, to YOUNG children, all CLOSE in age. In my mind I kept saying, "If this is what I need to do, I really need to go home or feel like this is home and be able to get over my differences with the dynamic here." (And then Spencer got the job in San Antonio. And now I get to live down the street from my best friend, which is AWESOME! I mean we used to skype, but that just isn't the same. Not even close. More on that in another post.)
Anyway, I am so grateful for the fact that my only 'complications' during pregnancy are extreme pain. It kind of gears me up for labor actually... I am grateful that my sweet babies all seem to understand that Lacy Anne will be coming and they are excited about it. We are all planning out the birth and learning what will take place. Alice is especially excited that she gets to be here. She is wise beyond her years. She understands so much more than I thought she would. Except that this baby is actually going to be mine and not hers... still working on that one.
Life is so full right now. We have so many choices. Sometimes it is more than we think we can handle, but one thing is for sure... as long as we are doing what is right, we will always be blessed, whether we see it or not, the Lord is always on our side when we are on His.
And on another note: I LOVE that we do not have a TV! More on that later, but it is the best thing we have ever done. Yes, we have Netflix days, but it is not the center of any room in our home, and it's great. I love it!
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