Saturday, February 15, 2014

Lessons I Learn As A Young, Mormon Mom 006

As a mother, there's hardly ever anything 'done’ 

You spend most of your days doing, doing, doing, and then sitting down after the whirlwind of the bedtime routing, staring at all there is left to do, with NO ENERGY left to get up and do it.

Cue Self- Doubt and Guilt here.  I can’t get it together, something is wrong with me, I yelled at my kids today, I’m a horrible mother, did I tell my kids I loved them, do they know this? Does my husband?  Oh ya, I’m a wife too… Don’t get me started on that guilt trip.

So being fed up with this nightly routine, I decided it was time to change.  

No more feeling like a failure!  Instead, repeat the mantra, “The more failures, the closer you are to success.”  Someone else said that, I am just not sure who, but that doesn’t matter.  I am a great mom, I am a great wife, and I will be the best me ever!

So I guess I need to accept the fact that nothing as a mother will ever feel ‘done.’ I will always be learning, teaching, growing, cleaning, driving, organizing, singing, playing, laughing, tickling, chasing, loving, reading, dancing, and finding more things to do with all that ’spare’ time I think I have.  

It is time to enjoy the ‘getting it done’ a little less and the ‘doing it’ a little more.  Being a mom is a forever thing.  I need to chillax more.  

Lessons I Learn as a Young, Mormon Mom 005

"I've tried" isn't and excuse for "so now I can give up”

So often I hear this, “Oh, I’ve tried everything and nothing works for me.”  

What is with this mentality??  I have tried all there is to try, I haven't succeeded, therefore, I am defective, so there is no point in trying anymore.  And, at 30 years old, will that lead us to a life worth living??  No wonder depression is such a HUGE issue in my generation.  Too many people think successful people are somehow lucky.  Well, let me nip that one for myself right here. The difference between successful people and unsuccessful people, is they didn’t give up!  

I have a goal to stop yelling at my kids, my resolution is to go 365 days with yelling!  So far I have started over several times with the countdown, but in the last two weeks I have only lost it ONCE!!  That is HUGE for me!  There were a few close calls, but still!  My kids are aware that I am trying my best, and they are totally getting it.  My four year old said, “Mommy is going to be a nice mommy, and we need to be nice kids so she can stop yelling.”  WHAT?!  She said that!?  Where did she learn that??  All I told her is that I wanted to be a nice mommy and stop yelling. It is helping that my husband is doing this along with me, too.

Anyway, the point of that is just because something doesn’t workout AT FIRST, doesn’t mean I should just quit.  I need to give my mind a chance, give my body a chance, and let them catch up to my determination.   

I totally needed this reminder, because I have learned this lesson before…  DON’T GIVE UP!